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June 2024 Wallace’s Farmer MarketPlace Extra

We all know those neighborhoods where land values seem to include a premium that is not common to the broader market. Some may call it an “Old Money” neighborhood. Over time, my observation has been that many of these financially vibrant neighborhoods have a correlation to very productive soil types, and often, a diversity of enterprises.

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The Growing Role of Biofuels and Its Impact on Landowners

Biofuels represent a significant opportunity for farmland owners to participate in the renewable energy transition. By understanding the types of biofuels, their production, and the potential benefits, landowners can make informed decisions that align with both their financial goals and environmental values.

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Farmland Value Update - Summer 2024

...the Midwestern farmland market remains stable, and thus far, largely resilient in the face of shifts in the larger underlying economy. Given the underlying weakness in commodity prices, along with the higher interest rate environment, the potential for weakness does exist. 

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Grain Markets - Summer 2024

With lower corn and soybean prices, we are in a cycle of tight margins... It is always critical to formulate a marketing plan and to take advantage of summer price volatility, until the grain trade is more certain of the 2024 production. 

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Growing Towards a Sustainable Future

From classrooms to farmland. Hertz clients Nancy and Henry Coan share their story of farmland ownership and building a farm legacy that will last for generations.

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Corn Stands

Your shadow and boot prints are the best things to see in your field.

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May 2024 Wallace’s Farmer MarketPlace Extra

As we learned in Econ 101, when the supply of something is large, relative to the demand, the price normally softens; and when the supply of something is scarce, relative to demand, the price normally rises. This simple relational idea carries over into the farmland market.

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Auction Calendar